
martes, 17 de mayo de 2011

What makes a good EFL teacher?

This is a very difficult question. The answer varies according to different personal, educational or contextual factors. However, I dare outline some few answers.

  • Awareness that language is acquired not only learned.
  • Effectiveness at making students recall and recycle vocabulary
  • Ability to revisit different grammar topics in different contexts
  • Adaptability to different students or different classes.
What do you think?
Post your answers!   

lunes, 16 de mayo de 2011

Downloading Internet Videos for Teaching

I will soon be posting interesting tips to teach English using internet videos. Before actually doing so, it is interesting to know how to download internet videos and keep them in your computer to use them any time you want in spite of your internet connection. You can carry them in a pendrive or your notebook. You can give a presentation without worrying so much about your internet conection.

Copy the video´s URL (the address you can see in your navigator before playing the video)

You will see a space to paste it in http://www.keepvid.com/ then click "dowload".

After that you will be able to choose from different formats and qualities.

It is very easy! you just have to follow the steps. If you have any doubts contact me at cgalizzi@gmail.com